Project-02 Concept:
Location: My workshop- hobby table
The area that I have chosen to work with in this project is my table. I like to think of my table as my hobby table, which was one of the reasons why I have chosen it. But it is also the one place in my home where I spend the most time, not only for my hobbies but also for most things I do at home (for example study, eating, drawing, reading, and I’m guessing for other people, many other things).
Origionaly I chose this site because my interest is to make plastic models like fly-jet and gundam models, and I spend a lot of my time at that table working on those. Also another reason why I chose this environment is, because I make these models and do a lot of my design work on this table, it is covered with all the tools and parts that are needed in the process of building these models. Every tools has different functions and characteristic, which have inspired me to expose these characteristics in a way that makes these tools and parts characters in my narrative.
These characters will be playing in front of the camera and then be built into a huge robot. I was hoping to express my interest in model making by showing how these models have their own characters.
After the first review in class, I hope to develop my ideas further and maybe even come up with a completely different idea.